The image of Christ and all the symbolism linked to it is truly tutelary of western civilization and culture, and is ever-present in our day to day lives, independent of creeds and religions. Religious imagery in itself arouses passion and devotion. Scouring the History of Art and its figuration between the medieval universe, where artwork represented a world united under the aegis of light and harmony, and the modern world, where representation became human and progressively grandiose (if not apocalyptic), there is a whole multiplicity in feeling imagery both artistically and religiously. It can be added that Art is also, in some way, a form of religion, because of its very essence, its way of contemplation, attempt at understanding, acceptance and near adoration. It's in this way, as a journey through time and space, through imagery and devotion, that the Brotherhood of the Clerics suggest you visit these rooms.

Irmandade dos Clérigos


Porto, Portugal

Miguel Palmeiro

Catarina Providência, Cariátides
Gabriella Casella, Cariátides
Paulo Neves

Luis Ferreira Alves

Europa Nostra Award 2017 / EU Prize for Cultural Heritage
BID 16, Bienal Ibero-Americana de Design / Prémio Diseño de Espacios e Interiorismo, finalista
Prémio Vilalva 2016

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